Spring Forth Your Novel! Mentoring included!
This week only!
Why do you come to sit in meditation? Why don’t you make writing your practice? If you go deep enough in writing, it will take you everywhere.
– Damin Katagari, Zen master to writer Natalie Goldberg
Whether you planted the seeds of your novel only a short while ago, or whether they’ve been languishing in your creative soil for decades, there’s no better way to sprout them than to deepen your connection to your writing practice. And there’s no better time to do it than now, on the heels of Spring Equinox, a time for renewal.
This self-guided e-course is going to help you do just that.
But why you? Why your novel? Why this course? Why now?
Why you? - You are the only one who can tell your story. . .
You’re ready for the seeds of your novel to sprout, but you just can’t overturn the cold, hard soil of winter because:
You’re afraid:
§ that your story isn’t “good enough” or that it will just wither and die on the vine
§ that you’re not a “good enough” writer, not up to the task
You’re just plain stuck:
§ you just don’t know how or where to begin to write a novel
Psst . . . I’ll tell you a secret . . . YOU are the secret! And helping you connect to your writing practice and the novel your heart wants to write, we’ll vanquish your fears and doubts together in this course.
Why your novel? - This is the story you must tell!
This novel is the one you MUST write. It’s the story your heart wants to write. It’s the story your soul NEEDS to tell.
Why this course? – This is a great course for you!
§ Finally start the novel you want to write
§ It’s all digital – no Zoom appointments, work at your own pace, immediate access to all course materials
§ Finish with the foundational elements already sprouted and ready for you to continue growing them into the bloom of a finished draft
§ Email me for specific support on this course through May 15th
Why now? – Spring is the time!
Many cultures identify spring as the beginning of the new year, and live and work in a rhythm that’s more in harmony with the seasons—winter being a time of rest, inner reflection, and spring being the time to grow our gardens –and embark on new beginnings.
In that spirit, we’ll spend 4 lessons building the foundation—cultivating the seeds—of your novel, and preparing you to see it through to full bloom:
Lesson 1 – Prepare the Soil. Reconnect with your writing practice and with your novel, the story your heart wants to tell.
Lesson 2 – The Story Behind The Story.
§ What’s your novel about? The life and times of two sisters growing up in Ireland.
§ What’s it really about? The joys and sorrows of sisterhood.
§ But what’s it really about? Forgiveness.
We’ll get to the heart of your story – its WHY, along with its What, giving you a touchstone from which to establish your novel.
Lesson 3 – Meet Your Protagonist – establish the most important character of your novel, in depth.
Lesson 4 – Time to Bloom – create a plan to water and grow your novel.
§ Establish a goal to finish the first draft of your novel
§ Evaluate your writing practice and make adjustments that support your writing goal.
I created Spring Forth Your Novel just for you, a writer who has the seeds of a novel and burning desire to write it, but needs the support of a course like this to overcome fears of your and your novel not being “good enough”, or perhaps not knowing where or how to begin.
And I’ve made it so easy---a digital course that’s self-guided with immediate access to all of the materials.
But the best part of all, you’ll have my personal support as a mentor!
$60 - Only thru April 23rd
Take out another notebook, pick up another pen, and just write . . . In the middle of the world, make one positive step. In the middle of chaos, make one definitive act. Just write. Say yes, stay alive, be awake. Just write. Just write. Just write. – Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones